Monday, April 26, 2010


I love breakfast.  Not the way Jonas loves breakfast with bacon and eggs and all that is possible (that's nice too though), but I love the simple and humble "continental" breakfast.  The other day we were making a fruit tartalet for my mother in law's birthday.  It required peach jam as part of the ingredients.  Something I never buy or eat, so, thinking on the fact that I hate throwing away food or waste of space in the refrigerator, I thought I could maybe eat it for breakfast with cottage cheese on top of bread, let me tell you: HEAVEN!!!!!!!! Toasted sunflower bread, a bit of butter, cottage cheese and a spoon of peach jam.  Doesn't get much better than that.  And ofcourse, do not forget a good cup of coffee.  Today it's the turn for Calderón-Chirripó-Costa Rica from Supreme Roasters (small roaster in Oslo with amazing talents!).  This coffee is round a clean, with some berries and fruit hints.  Perfect breakfast coffee!

1 comment:

  1. Que rico!!! Mañana voy a comprar cottage cheese para hacerme un desayunito asi!
